
Count bounces in table tennis world record


python curiosity-project

On May 7th 2020 Daniel Ives set a new world record by continuously bouncing table tennis ball for 5 hours, 21 minutes, and 4 seconds. But how many bounces did he actually make?

Statistical uncertainty with R and pdqr


rstats pdqr

CRAN has accepted my ‘pdqr’ package. Here are important examples of how it can be used to describe and evaluate statistical uncertainty.

Local randomness in R



One approach of using random number generation inside a function without affecting outer state of random generator.

Arguments of stats::density()


rstats pdqr

Animated illustrations of how arguments affect output of stats::density().

Announcing pdqr


rstats pdqr

Announcing ‘pdqr’: package for working with custom distribution functions.

Transformers, glue!


rstats glue

General description of transformers functionality in {glue} with some potentially useful examples.

Elo and EloBeta models in snooker


rstats snooker comperank elobeta

Research about adequacy of Elo based models applied to snooker match results. Contains a novel approach (EloBeta) targeted for sport results with variable “best of N” format.

Animating mode variability with tidyverse and tweenr


rstats tidyverse tweenr

Provided different probability distributions, animate independent sample distributions to demonstrate mode variability. There is a thorough code description with some subtle tips and tricks.

Harry Potter and rankings with comperank


rstats comperank comperes

Ranking Harry Potter books with comperank package.

General gems of comperes


rstats comperes

Examples of exported functions from comperes package that could be useful for general tasks.

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